This is the third link of the value Chain “Market Access” is the culminate one of the chain, the export of Café du Burundi is done by all actors licensed to play that role. They are mainly grouped in three consortia namely that of Cooperatives (COCOCA Union), Private (BUCOFCO) and State societies (SOGESTALs). Within private and States entities, each exporter acts individually while cooperatives are exporting as one through COCOCA Union. At this level, InterCaféé plays its role of promotion, branding and marketing of Café du Burundi as whole and linking exporters with buyers through organizing Cup of Excellence competition, organizing coffee actors to attend regional and international conference of exhibition and organizing buyers’ tours in the production areas at all links of the value chain.
To meet its objective of promoting, branding and marketing of “Café du Burundi” InterCafé hand in hand with the Coffee Board (ARFIC) organises local events such as:
- Cup of Excellence (CoE) in collaboration with Alliance for Coffee Excellence (ACE) since 2012
- Buyers’ tours during the harvesting and processing time
And at the Regional and International levels, InterCafé in collaboration with ARFIC organizes and coordinates all coffee actors to attend and participate in:
- African Fine Coffees Conference and exhibition (AFCA), each February of each year;
- World Speciality Coffee Conference and exhibition of America (SCA) each April each year,
- World Speciality Coffee Conference and exhibition of Europe (SCAE) each June of each year,
- World Speciality Coffee Conference and exhibition of Japan (SCAJ) each September of each year,
- World Speciality Coffee Conference and exhibition of Cafe Show Seoul in Korea each November of each year
- And money other international event of exhibition
Throughout these fora, InterCafé creates rooms of meeting between buyers and sellers of Café du Burundi.